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Ingrid A. Gregg

Dr. Ingrid Gregg served most recently as President and a Trustee of Earhart Foundation, a private foundation focused on philanthropy in the humanities and social sciences. To respect the intentions of its original donor and guided by its Board, Dr. Gregg successfully oversaw the closure of Earhart Foundation after 86 years of activity in 2015. She serves on the Board of Directors of the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, is a Trustee of the Foundation for Economic Education, and is a member of the Academic Advisory Board for the Institute of Economic Affairs in London, England. For 2015-2016 she is also serving as President of The Philadelphia Society, of which she is a Trustee. Dr. Gregg was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in 2010 and is a member of The Mont Pelerin Society. She received a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and has a M.Sc. as well as a Ph.D. in History from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. [Taken from]

Ingrid A. Gregg: Can the Conversation Hold? – Q & A

Ingrid A. Gregg: Can the Conversation Hold? – Gregg

Ingrid A. Gregg: History and the Permanent Things: Part II, Renaissance, Reformation and the Enlightenment

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