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Mark Henrie: Progressivism and the Younger Generation

Kenneth Blackwell: Dinner Hosted by the Claremont Institute

William F. Campbell: Dedication of Luncheon to Memory of Mel Bradford and W.H. Hutt

George H. Nash: Introduction of Ambassador Glassman

Thomas G. West: Dinner Hosted by the Claremont Institute

Nikos Salingaros: Public Spaces, New Urbanism, Smart Growth

Carey Roberts: Progressivism and the Younger Generation

Tiffany Jones Miller: Progressivism and the Younger Generation

Scott Segrest: Progressivism and the Younger Generation

Charles R. Kesler: Dinner Hosted by the Claremont Institute

Joseph Postell: Progressivism and the Younger Generation

J. David Alvis: Progressivism and the Younger Generation

Thomas W. Pauken: The Progressive Assault on the Little Platoons of Family, Church, and School

Brian Kennedy: Dinner Hosted by the Claremont Institute

W.W. Caruth: The Progressive Assault on the Little Platoons of Family, Church, and School

Robert C. Koons: Progress and Progressivism

Jay Langdale: Progress and Progressivism

James K. Glassman: Solving the Toughest Problems Without Government

Wilfred McClay: Progressivism at the National Level

Kelly Shackelford: The Progressive Assault on the Little Platoons of Family, Church, and School

William Murchison: Progress and Progressivism

Matthew Spalding: Progressivism at the National Level

John C. Goodman: The Progressive Assault on the Little Platoons of Family, Church, and School

Bradley C.S. Watson: Progressivism at the National Level

Alan Harrelson: All Beauty is Local, if Not Provincial

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