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Gladden Pappin: The Conservative Search for Identity

Luder G. Whitlock, Jr.: Divided We Fall: The Case for Unity Amidst Diversity

: Introduction of Luder G. Whitlock, Jr.

Avik Roy: Why I Am or Am Not a Conservative

Max Borders: Why I Am or Am Not a Conservative

Helen Andrews: Why I Am or Am Not a Conservative

Daniel McCarthy: Why I Am or Am Not a Conservative

Sam Karnick: The Conservative Search for Identity

Christopher G. Long: Welcome / Introduction of Jonah Goldberg

George H. Nash: The Conservative Search for Identity – Panel Introduction

Allen Mendenhall, Michael Anton, Samuel Gregg: Liberalism, Populism, and the Future of Conservatism – Complete Panel

Donald Devine: What Should Conservatism Conserve–and What Not?

Matthew Spalding: What Should Conservatism Conserve–and What Not?

Daniel Oliver: What Should Conservatism Conserve–and What Not?

Neal Freeman: What Should Conservatism Conserve–and What Not? – Panel Introduction

Jonah Goldberg: What is Conservatism?

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