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Emilio J. Pacheco: Saturday Reception and Dinner – Hosted by The Liberty FundThe Pursuit of Truth and the Education of the Gifted

John Willson: Roundtable Discussion – The Future of the Conservative Movement

Claes Ryn: Roundtable Discussion – The Future of the Conservative Movement

Daniel Oliver: Roundtable Discussion – The Future of the Conservative Movement

Leonard Liggio: Roundtable Discussion – The Future of the Conservative Movement

William C. Dennis: Roundtable Discussion – The Future of the Conservative Movement

Midge Decter: Roundtable Discussion – The Future of the Conservative Movement

T. Kenneth Cribb: Roundtable Discussion – The Future of the Conservative Movement

Lee Edwards: Roundtable Discussion – The Future of the Conservative Movement

Charles Murray: Saturday Reception and Dinner – Hosted by The Liberty FundThe Pursuit of Truth and the Education of the Gifted

T. Alan Russell: Saturday Reception and Dinner – Hosted by The Liberty FundThe Pursuit of Truth and the Education of the Gifted

E. Christian Kopff: The Pursuit of Wisdom in the Age of the Internet

James Bowman: The Pursuit of Wisdom in the Age of the Internet

Richard J. Bishirjian: The Pursuit of Wisdom in the Age of the Internet

Steven D. Ealy: The Pursuit of Wisdom in the Age of the Internet

Chris L. Talley: Saturday Reception and Dinner – Hosted by The Liberty FundThe Pursuit of Truth and the Education of the Gifted

Richard Gunderman: The Pursuit of Wisdom and the Enrichment of Human Life

Russell Nieli: The Liberal Arts, Civic Virtue, and Character Formation

Richard M. Gamble: The Liberal Arts, Civic Virtue, and Character Formation

Hans Zeiger: The Liberal Arts, Civic Virtue, and Character Formation

Bradley C.S. Watson: The Liberal Arts, Civic Virtue, and Character Formation

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