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William F. Campbell: Liberty, Peace and Self-Interest Properly Understood – Panel Introduction

R.J. Smith: An Environment of Freedom

Lynn Scarlett: An Environment of Freedom

John Willson: Welcome / Invocation by Annette Kirk

Harry C. Veryser: The Visions of a Humane Economy – Panel Introduction

Jo Kwong: An Environment of Freedom

Leonard Liggio: Liberty, Peace and Self-Interest Properly Understood

Bruce Frohnen: Liberty, Peace and Self-Interest Properly Understood

W. Winston Elliott III: Speaker Introduction of Patrick Boarman

John-Peter Pham: Prospects for a Humane Economy in the Contemporary World – Panel Introduction

Richard W. Rahn: Prospects for a Humane Economy in the Contemporary World

Peter Boettke: Prospects for a Humane Economy in the Contemporary World

Bruce Bartlett: Prospects for a Humane Economy in the Contemporary World

Fred L. Smith: The New Politics of Science – Panel Introduction

Bruce Ames: The New Politics of Science

Patrick Michaels: The New Politics of Science

Steven Milloy: The New Politics of Science

Jane Shaw Stroup: PERC Enviro-Capitalist Award

Joseph A. Morris: Speaker Introduction of Stephen J. Tonsor

Stephen J. Tonsor: Bunny Hugging is so Bourgeois

William C. Dennis: Worshipping Green Idols – Panel Introduction

P.J. Hill: Worshipping Green Idols

Richard Stroup: An Environment of Freedom – Panel Introduction

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