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Tag Archives: George Leef

Hiketty Piketty 2: George Leef

Writing at Forbes, George Leef steers us beyond mere technical critiques of Thomas Picketty’s methodology and suggests we need to delve more into his philosophy: 

Those responses to Piketty, accurate though they are, do little to blunt his message that the rich are already too rich and will keep getting richer unless government steps in to impose substantially higher taxes on them. Arguing against Piketty on the grounds that inequality isn’t as great as he says is futile. It’s like trying to file down the tip on your dueling opponent’s sword – the darned thing will still be lethal.

Rather than going after Piketty’s numbers, we need to go after his philosophy.

The Weekly Bell: 5-16-2014

Making “A Conservative’s Case for Moderation” at Real Clear Politics on May 15, Peter Berkowitz makes mention of The Philadelphia Society. 

 PhillySoc President Joe Johnston points us to a video overview of “social justice” by Jonah Goldberg.   Joe continues to contribute to the analysis of this invasive and problematic concept with his letter to the editor of Commentary (May 2014) in response to Arthur Brooks’ article, “Be Open-handed to Your Brothers” (Feb 2014).

John Zmirak offers an eye-opener into the continuing degradation of campus culture with The Devil in Harvard Yard.

George Leef:  “What is the Worst Agency in Washington, D.C., Today?”

John Goodman:  Why Did Health Spending Slow Down Before it Sped Up?



The Weekly Bell 4-25-14


April 30:  Amity Shlaes will speak at The Center for Political and Economic Thought at  Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.  Her topic will be Coolidge, The President Who Said ‘No’ .  For more information visit:


Don Devine, Rousseau’s American Heirs Fight the Final Prejudice

Tracy Mehan, “Natural Investment in Water Quality” 

 Allen Mendenhall, reviews Greg LukianoffUnlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate, for The Freeman

George Leef, “Higher Education Already Has a Leftist Bias

@Accuracy in Academia:
Mal Kline, Educators Fear Paper Military
Mal Kline, Sillier Than Women’s Studies
Don Irvine, Journalism No Longer the Worst Job In America—Barely



The Weekly Bell 4-11-14: Member columns, blogs, and miscellanea


Job Opening:  

Kosciuszko Foundation Visiting Professor at the University of Warsaw  (via Ewa Thompson)


Tuesday, April 22, 2014 at Noon
Myers Convocation Center at Ashland University 
Ashbrook Center Major Issues Lecture Series luncheon featuring Justice Judith French, “The Supreme Court of Ohio: What We Do and Why It’s Important”
Please contact Lisa Ormiston at (419) 289-5429 or


The Freeman interviews newly elected member Anne Wortham

George Leef @ Forbes:  “Davis-Bacon: The Price-Fixing Conspiracy That The Feds Mandate”

John Goodman: “You Can’t Buy Insurance Until Next November”

Ralph Rossum:  two pieces at Liberty Law Blog:

 Richard Rahn in The Washington Times:  “Why Do We Still Use Paper Money?” 

 Charles Mills: “Hate Speech and the Internet” 




George Leef: Reflects on “Why Liberty?”

Writing at Forbes, George Leef notes that:

a few individuals are trying to convince people that we have already lost a great deal of liberty and should strive to get it back.

One of them is Tom Palmer of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation. Palmer has written and edited quite a few books, most recently Why Liberty: Your Life, Your Choices, Your Future.

It’s a short, easily read, yet intellectually powerful book that aims especially at convincing younger people that their lives will be much better in a free society and economy.

Read more…

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