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Biography of Joseph A. Morris



A. Morris is a partner in the law firm of Morris
& De La Rosa, with
offices in Chicago and London. Mr.
Morris is resident at the Chicago office. He
maintains an active practice conducting trials and appeals, particularly in the
areas of constitutional, business, labor, and international law.
He is a member of the Bars of the Supreme Court of the United States, the
Supreme Court of Illinois, and of several other courts.

Morris served under President Reagan as Assistant Attorney General of the United
States and Director of the Department of Justice Office of Liaison Services, in
which capacity he was the Attorney General’s top assistant in charge of
international affairs and of liaison with state and local prosecutors and law
enforcement agencies; the
General Counsel of the United States Office of Personnel Management;
the Special Counsel to the Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission; and the Chief of Staff
and General Counsel of the United
States Information Agency. He
has also been an American delegate to the United Nations Commission on Human
Rights in Geneva and both a government and a public member of the Administrative
Conference of the United States.

is the Chairman of United Republican Fund of Illinois and a Director of the
American Conservative Union. He has
been a director of the Philadelphia Society, and is a leader in other Republican
Party and conservative political bodies. He
was the 1994 nominee of the Republican Party for President of the Cook County
Board (serving a population of more than 5 million people, including Chicago);
although defeated in a Democrat stronghold, he received half a million
votes and turned in the best Republican record in a generation.

serves pro bono publico as the President and General Counsel of The
Lincoln Legal Foundation and is active in a number of other bar, civic, and
charitable organizations.

leader in Bínai Bírith and other Jewish and interfaith organizations, Mr.
Morris served from 1995 through 2001 as the President of B’nai B’rith in the
Midwest. He was the founder and
first Chairman of the Bínai Bírith Center for Public Policy and the founder
and first President of the Capital Legal Council of B’nai B’rith, both
headquartered in Washington, D.C. He
is a member of the national board of directors of Toward Tradition.

frequent lecturer and debater, he has appeared on such national and local
television and radio programs as ABC’s "Good Morning, America", NBC’s
"Nightly News", the syndicated "Entertainment Tonight",
CNN’s "Day Watch" and "Crossfire", C-SPAN’s "Washington
Journal", WTTW-TV’s "Chicago Tonight", and WGN-Radio’s
"Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg".
He was formerly co-host of "Equal Time", a public affairs show
broadcast weekday evenings on WBEZ-Radio, the National Public Radio affiliate in
Chicago. He has spoken and
published widely on business, legal, economic, public policy, and foreign
relations matters.

on October 24, 1951, in Gary, Indiana, Mr. Morris is an alumnus of the College
and the Law School of The University of Chicago.
He is married to Kathleen Morris and resides in Chicago, Illinois.

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