2025 Spring Meeting
Our 'Revolutionary' Founding: Lessons for Today
March 21-23, 2025
Plano, Texas

Our Revolutionary Founding: Lessons for Today

America is experiencing a period of significant political, cultural, and legal turmoil. Amidst calls for drastic change that emanate from the Right as well as the Left, our large and vibrant Fall Meeting addressed the vital question, Should Conservatism be Conservative? This Spring Meeting will build on the important conversations started there as we gather to reflect on who we are as a nation and where we go from here. Recognizing that our country was founded in revolution, we will reflect on the relationship of America’s revolutionary principles to modern conservatism. We will also consider the lessons we might draw from our tradition that may be applicable to our fraught times. Should we once again think in revolutionary terms? If not, why not? Can the ideas and events of our founding help us recapture a common American idiom from our political Tower of Babel? Can they instill in us the courage to meet our unique moment? Like our Fall Meeting, the Spring Meeting keeps one eye on the permanent things as it looks to the future of the country we love.

Additional details forthcoming. Please contact Charissa Reul for more information. 


Meeting Program

Friday, March 21

4:00–6:00  Registration

5:00–6:00  President's Reception (invitation only)

5:30–6:00  Fellowship Orientation

5:30–6:50  General Reception

7:00–9:00  Dinner & Program - Fireside Conversation: Do We Live in Revolutionary Times?

Chair: Bradley C. S. Watson, President, The Philadelphia Society
Charles Kesler, Claremont Institute 
Bradford P. Wilson, Center for Constitutional Studies, Utah Valley University 
James Ceaser, University of Virginia 


Saturday, March 22

7:30–9:30  Annual Breakfast Meeting of the Membership (members only)

10:00–11:30  Session 1 - The American Revolution Properly Understood

Chair: TBA
Anthony Peacock, Utah State University
John Pinheiro, Acton Institute 

11:45–1:30  Baron Award & Luncheon Program

Chair & Keynote: TBA

2:00–3:30  Session 2 - The Distortion of Our Principles? 

Chair: TBA
John Fonte, Hudson Institute 

3:30–4:00  Coffee Break

4:00–5:30  Session 3 - Prosecutorial Indiscretion 

Chair: Steven Hayward, University of California Berkeley
John Eastman, Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, Claremont Institute
Zack Smith, The Heritage Foundation


Sunday, March 23

8:00–9:00  Breakfast Buffet

9:00–11:00 Roundtable Discussion - America's New Revolutionary Moment

Chair: TBA
Thomas D. Klingenstein, Claremont Institute
Robert Lawson, Southern Methodist University, Cox School of Business
C. Bradley Thompson, Clemson University


Please contact Charissa Reul with questions or for more information.