A Free Society in Ferment
March 29-30, 1968
Chicago, Illinois


Friday, March 29
3:00 - 3:30 Registration and Coffee
3:30 - 5:30 Civil Disorder - Who Created the Urban Crisis?
Frank S. Meyer, Chairman
R. L. Cunningham, Professor of Philosophy, University of San Francisco
Dwight D. Murphey, Assistant Professor of Law and Society, Wichita State University
Garry Wills, Author, Contributing Editor, Esquire
5:30 - 6:30 Cocktail Hour
6:30 - 8:30 Dinner
Friedrich A. Hayek, Professor of Economics, University of Freiburg Competition as a Discovery Procedure
Saturday, March 30
10:15 - 12:15 Dimensions of the Protracted Conflict
Stefan T. Possony, Chairman
Walter Darnell Jacobs, Associate Professor of Government and Politics, University of Maryland
Y. L. Wu, Professor of International Relations, University of San Francisco
Milorad M. Drachkovitch, Senior Staff Member, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University
1:00 - 2:30 Luncheon
Antony G. A. Fisher, Managing Trustee, The Institute of Economic Affairs, Ltd., London Positive Action or What to Do About It
3:00 - 5:00 Disorder in the House of Intellect
Gerhart Niemeyer, Chairman
Hugh Kenner, Professor of English, University of California, Santa Barbara
Stephen J. Tonsor, Associate Professor of Intellectual History, University of Michigan
Eric Voegelin, Director, Institute of Political Science, Munich University; Professor of Government, University of Notre Dame