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The purpose of the Philadelphia Society is “to sponsor the interchange of ideas through discussion and writing, in the interest of deepening the intellectual foundations of a free and ordered society and of broadening the understanding of its basic principles and traditions. In pursuit of this end, we shall examine a wide range of issues:  economic, political, social, cultural, religious and philosophic. We shall seek understanding, not conformity.” (Bylaws, Article I)

As such, the Philadelphia Society is a social organization with an intellectual focus. Persons who can contribute to furthering the purposes of the Society and who have attended at least one meeting of the Society as a guest shall be eligible for membership upon nomination by an existing member. 


  • Attend at least one meeting as a guest. (Requires sponsorship by a current member of the Society.)
  • Receive nomination to membership by a current member of the Society.
  • Complete and return membership application form.
  • Ensure that two letters of recommendation are submitted on your behalf (your nomination letter counts as one).
  • Wait. The Membership Committee reviews completed applications for membership in January each year and submits recommendations for membership to the Board of Trustees at its annual spring meeting.
  • If invited to join, accept membership and pay annual dues.
  • Continue in good standing by paying subsequent annual dues no later than April 1 each calendar year.

Current Dues Schedule:

Regular Membership             $175/year
35 and under                               $ 125/year
Life Members*                             Waived
Distinguished Members**      Waived

*Members who have been in good standing for at least ten years and are over 75.
**Elected upon unanimous decision of the Board for merit.

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