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Trustees of the Society


Listed alphabetically, with dates of service. Italiacs indicate member of the Organization Committee that served 1964-66.

Claire Aguda, 2022-25

William B. Allen, 2004-08

Robert Alt, 2016-19, 2025-28

Virginia Arbery, 2017-20

Larry P. Arnn, 1994-97, 2014-17

*Manuel F. Ayau, 1987-90

Stephen H. Balch, 2003-06

Joseph Baldacchino, 2003-06

*Carlos A. Ball, 1999-2002

*William J. Baroody, 1966-68

*Arnold Beichman, 1983-86

*Herman Belz, 2009-2012

Bradley Birzer, 2003-06

Richard J. Bishirjian, Ph.D., 1981-84

Morton C. Blackwell, 2007-10

*John Blundell, 2007-10

David J. Bobb, 2017-20

Danny J. Boggs, 1972-74, 1987-90

*William H. Book, 1966

*M.E. Bradford, 1983-86, 1990-93

Richard A. Brake, 2012-15

Thomas J. Bray, 1991-94

*Linda Bridges, 1991-93, 2002-04; 2013-16

Peter Brimelow, 1993-96

*Wiliam F. Buckley, Jr., 1966-67; 1971-74

*Robert L. Bunting, 1979-82

Ronald E. Burr, 1990-93

Jameson G. Campaigne, Jr., 1971-74, 1984-87, 1997-2000

*Albert M. Campbell, 1970-73

*Colin D. Campbell, 1968-70

*Glenn Campbell, 1966-69, 1973-74

William F. Campbell, 1978-81, 1985-88, 1996-99

Nicholas Capaldi, 2007-10

*George Carey, 2000-04

*M.D.B. Carlisle, 1982-85, 1993-96

Allan C. Carlson, 1986-89, 2001-04

Timothy Caspar, 2019-22

Alejandro Antonio Chafuen, 2013-16, 2016-19

*Ronald H. Coase, 1973-76

Warren Coats, 1980-83

John W. Cooper, 1994-98

*Richard C. Cornuelle, 1966-67

T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr., 1981-84, 1986-89, 1991-94, 1996-99

Elizabeth B. Currier, 1982-85

Beverly Danielson, 2000-04

Peter L. De Luca III, 1966-67

*Midge Decter, 2003-06

*Louis H. T. Dehmlow, 1971-74, 1987-90

Diana Denman, 2014-17

*William C. Dennis, 1974-77, 1985-88

Donald J. Devine, 2011-14

Brian Domitrovic, 2016-19

David Durell, 2016-19

Lenore T. Ealy, 1997-2000, 2009-12, 2012-14

Steven D. Ealy, 2002-05

Michelle Easton, 1999-2002

*Lee Edwards, 2001-2004

Barbara J. Elliott, 1995-98

W. Winston Elliott III, 2002-05, 2015-18

*James R. Evans, 1979-82, 1986-89, 1995-98

*M. Stanton Evans, 1966-68, 1974-77, 1983-86, 1996-99

Edwin J. Feulner, 1966-67, 1980-83, 1985-88, 1990-93, 2012-15

David F. Forte, 2006-09

*Samuel T. Francis, 1990-03

*Roger A. Freeman, 1972-75

*Milton Friedman, 1966-68; 1970-73, 1976-79

Bruce Frohnen, 2004-07

Richard M. Gamble, 2009-12

Jeffrey B. Gayner, 1995-98

Francisco Gonzalez, 2019-22

Andrew D. Graham, Esq., 2022-25, 2025-28

*Burton C. Gray, 1989-90

Gary L. Gregg II, 2004-07, 2015-18

Ingrid A. Gregg, 2003-06, 2013-16

Samuel Gregg, 2017-21

Daniel B. Hales, Esq., 1976-79

*Lee Hamilton, 1970-73, 1977-80

*Anthony Harrigan, 1976-79

James Hartley, 2023-26

William Anthony Hay, 2008-11

Hal Hayward, 2017-20

Steven Hayward, 2006-09

Charles Heatherly, 1973-76, 1979-82, 1988-91

Robert Heineman, 2010-13

Caroline M. Hemphill, 1990-93

Mark C. Henrie, 2005-08

*Will Herberg, 1972-75

Roberta Herzberg, 2017-21

P.J. Hill, 1999-02

W. W. Hill, 1989-92

*John A. Howard, 1969-72,1978-81

G. Philip Hughes, 2009-12

Victoria Hughes, 2005-08

*W.H. Hutt, 1973-76

*Giancarlo Ibárgüen S., 2009-12

*Harry V. Jaffa, 1971-74

Jason Jewell, 2023-26

*Willa Johnson, 1985-88, 1994-98

*Joseph F. Johnston, Jr., 2010-13, 2013-14

Hon. Edith H. Jones, 2025-28

*Hon. William H. Kelly, 1991-94, 2001-04

*Arthur Kemp, 1966-68, 1970-73

Paul Kengor, 2013-16

*Hugh Kenner, 1966-68

Charles R. Kesler, 1993-96

*Russell Kirk, 1976-79, 1981-84

Annette Y. Kirk, 1996-99

Adam Kissel, 2022-25

Stephen M. Klugewicz, 2006-09

Robert C. Koons, 2015-18

Jo Kwong, 2005-08

*H.F. Langenberg, 1972-75

*Reed E. Larson, 1984-87

*Ernest W. Lefever, 1984-87

*Leonard P. Liggio, 1987-90, 1992-95, 1997-2000, 2008-11

*Donald J. Lipsett, 1966-69

Edward Littlejohn, 1981-84

*Gordon Lloyd, 2006-09

Christopher G. Long, 2014-17, 2017-20

Daniel Lowenstein, 2015-18

*John F. Lulves, Jr., 1968-71

Michael C. Maibach, 2023-26

Christopher N. Malagisi, 2013-16

*Henry G. Manne, 1974-77

*George B. Martin, 2000-03

Eduardo Mayora Alvarado, 2001-04

*John T. McCarty, 1979-82

Wilfred M. McClay, 2011-14, 2018-21

*James McClellan, 1986-89, 1995-98

*Donnelly P. McDonald, Jr., 1985-88

Ellen McDonald, 2000-03

*Forrest McDonald, 1983-86, 1988-91, 1994-97

Hon. Edwin Meese III, 2000-03

*David Meiselman, 1972-75, 1978-81, 1983-86

*Allan H. Meltzer, 1981-84

Allen Porter Mendenhall, 2018-21

*Frank S. Meyer, 1966-69

Eugene Meyer, 1993-96

*E. Victor Milione, 1975-78

Fernando Monterroso V., 1994-97

John H. Moore, 2004-07

Joseph A. Morris, Esq., 1987-90, 1992-95, 2023-26

Michael C. Munger, 2021-2024, 2024-2027

William Murchison, 1988-91

Dwight D. Murphey, 1992-96

Robert Naething, 2024-27

George H. Nash, 1982-85, 1997-2000, 2006-09

Jeffrey O. Nelson, 1998-01, 2024-27

*Hugh C. Newton, 1989-92

*Gerhart Niemeyer, 1969-71, 1979-82

*Gary North, 1973-76

*Francis A. O’Connell, 1980-83

Daniel Oliver, 1984-87, 1989-92

James R. Otteson, 2012-13

Ramón Parellada, 2010-13

*J.A. (Jay) Parker, 2008-11

R. J. Pestritto, 2016-19, 2019-22

Daniel S. Peters, 1995-98

Roger Pilon, 1991-94

*Stefan T. Possony, 1968-70, 1974-76

Richard W. Rahn, 2008-11

Roger Ream, 2007-10

*Henry Regnery, 1966-67, 1970-73, 1975-78

Alfred S. Regnery, 2011-14

Robert R. Reilly, 1977-80, 2005-08

Ronald E. Robinson, 1995-98

Carroll Ríos De Rodríguez, 2019-22

*Benjamin A. Rogge, 1968-70

Robert E. Russell, Jr., 1998-01

*Gerald Russello, 2018-21

*John L. Ryan, 1975-78, 1980-83 1986-89

Claes Ryn, 1999-02

*Ellis Sandoz, 1998-01

Robert A. Schadler, 1980-83

Jacqueline E. Schafer, 1989-92, 2010-13

*Wilson Schmidt, 1970-73

William Schneider, Jr., 1975-78

*Peter W. Schramm, 2008-11

*Robert L. Schuettinger, 1988-91

*Otto Scott, 1982-85

Howard Segermark, 2011-14

*Frank Shakespeare, 1977-80

*Bernard W. Sheehan, 2001-04

*Arthur Shenfield, 1977-80

*Lowell C. Smith, 1988-91, 1993-96

David Somerville, 1992-95

Matthew Spalding, 2018-21

Thomas Spence, 2023-26

Dane Starbuck, 2013-16

Arnold Steinberg, 2011-14

Jane Shaw Stroup, 1999-2002, 2012-15, 2024-27

David P. Stuhr, 1977-80

*James B. Taylor, 1992-95

Robert M. W. Taylor, 1969-72

Paul S. Teller, 2025-28

*Kenneth S. Templeton, Jr., 1969-72

*Stephen J. Tonsor, 1968-70, 1978-81

*Leopold Tyrmand, 1982-85

Matthew Tyrmand, 2024-27

Susan Mangels, 2024-27

Wayne H. Valis, 1976-79, 2004-07

*Ernest van den Haag, 1969-71, 1976-79, 1984-87

Harry  C. Veryser, 2010-13

*Eliseo Vivas, 1966-69, 1974-77

*John Von Kannon, 1978-81, 2002-05

Bridgett Wagner, 1996-99, 2005-08, 2021-24

Michael Wallacavage, 2002-05

Graham H. Walker, 2025-28

Bradley C. S. Watson, 2012-15, 2022-25

Donald V. Weatherman, 2014-17

David M. Whalen, 2015-18

*Timothy J. Wheeler, 2008

Gleaves Whitney, 2019-22

*James W. Wiggins, 1966-68, 1971-74

Ryan P. Williams, 2022-25

John Willson, 1998-01

Karl Ziebarth, 1975-78, 2007-10

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