Social Order and Institutional Crisis
April 14-15, 1972
Chicago, Illinois


Friday, April 14
3:00 - 3:45 Registration
3:45 - 5:30 Literature and the Social Order
Eliseo Vivas, Chairman
Ellis Sandoz, East Texas State University
Russell Kirk, Author and Lecturer
5:45 - 6:45 Cocktail Hour
7:00 - 9:00 Dinner
Robert Conquest, Author and Lecturer, London, England - "Is the Cold War Over?"
Saturday, April 15
8:45 -9: 45 Annual Meeting of Membership (Members only)
10:00 - 11:45 Crime, Justice, and the Social Order
Fred E. Inbau, Chairman
Annelise Anderson, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Ralph K. Winter Jr., Yale Law School
12:15 - 1:30 Luncheon
Report on the Philadelphia Society - Henry Regnery, President
Tribute to Frank Meyer
George C. Roche III, President, Hillsdale College - "A Prospectus for Higher Education"
1:45 - 5:45 Can Government Govern?
Stephen J. Tonsor, Chairman
Donald Atwell Zoll, Arizona State University
Morton Frisch, Northern Illinois University
Zoll's Response to Frisch
William Schneider Jr., Assistant to Senator James L. Buckley
Gordon Tullock, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
7:00 Optional Buffet Dinner
Arthur Shenfield, Chairman
S.L.A. Marshall
David Meiselman
Ernest van den Hagg